Monday, December 31, 2001

"Yeah, well... Brilliance occurs, as they say." --Mike, after Becky died a horrible death in World 8 of Mario 3.

Sunday, December 30, 2001

Mike: "I'm still young."
Becky: "But you're the oldest one in the room!"
Emily: "Yeah, she's October, I'm December, and you're June."
Mike: "We could make a calendar. With three months."
Becky: "A makeout calendar! With pictures of doors!"

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

"I never read the Indiana Jones books, either, but if they made a plastic light-up Indiana Jones cup, I'd buy it." --Jana.

"What happened, anyway? Did all of the Latins, like, die or something?" --Anna.

"The REAL Santa Claus has no buttocks." --guy sitting behind us at Lord of the Rings.

Sunday, December 16, 2001

Jana: "Ow!"
Everyone: "What did you do?"
Jana: "I got my candy cane stuck in my hair!"

Friday, December 14, 2001

Josie: "I don't think most products use the word 'bitchslap' in their commercials."
Emily: "Yeah, but if they did, that would be a lot cooler."
Josie: "And it would make me buy it! I mean, think about it: Some products clean, but others bitchslap."

Sunday, December 09, 2001

I have nothing funny to add, though I'm sure something of the Loaded Questions game with Josie's old friends last night would be worthy... (especially Will's answer of "'bation" to the question, "What language would you most like to master?" hee hee), but I wanted to encourage people to use the little 'comment' links at the bottom of each post to ask questions or whatever, instead of posting non-quotes on the blog.

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

"I'm like a vindictive Jesus." --Jenny.

Sunday, December 02, 2001

"Doing shit is icing on a fully iced cake." --Mike, on coming to visit me later this month.