Saturday, May 25, 2002

This happened awhile ago, but it still amuses me.

BofA phone rep: "...and $xx.xx at Are you buying Olympia?"
Em: "Oh yeah, the whole city."
BofA phone rep: "You go, girl!"

and Graylan requested that the following be added.

"Yeah, you open a door, and there's my hole." --Em

Saturday, May 11, 2002

Chris: "They don't have veggie pizza? What the hell kind of Seattle pizza place doesn't have veggie pizza?!"
Graylan: "They're a tavern, which is made of wood, which is dead trees."

Thursday, May 02, 2002

"I'm going to hit him with the Yam of Retribution." --Jesse, about a tall guy standing right in front of him at the Jason Webley Mayday show.