just for your information, i switched the archives to monthly, so while it looks like there are magically fewer and more disappearing archives, they're all just consolidated into bigger pages. i figured this made more sense considering the actual number of quotes we have for some weeks.
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
"I'm just too lazy to upright myself, at least in most respects..." --Graylan, sitting on some pillows, after everyone else left tonight.
Thursday, June 20, 2002
Em: "You can't break up if you were never together."
Graylan: "That's what the San Andreas Fault thought!"
Friday, June 14, 2002
"Aww, that wasn't even a joke, Graylan. It wasn't even a complete sentence." --Chris, lovingly, about Graylan's botched attempt at a your mom joke/cleaning advice.