Saturday, December 21, 2002

Lauren, telling me to cross the street and get falafel while waiting for the bus downtown after some drinking at the Alibi Room: "I dare you... You'll get lots of points!"
Jana: "Yeah, like Frogger!"

Saturday, December 14, 2002

Bum* on the Ave: I used to be a cop, and I snorted cocaine, so fuck you!
Kevin: Okay, bye!

*"I wouldn't necessarily call him a bum; he just said he didn't have much money." --Kevin

Tiffani: Oooh! Nutcracker!
Graylan: Ehh, no thanks.

Monday, December 09, 2002

(in an AIM conversation)
Chris P.: #@@#$@#DAD#
Chris P.: Ack.
Emily: er.
Emily: ?
Chris P.: that was a weird combination of symbolic swearing.
Chris P.: $#%!@!!
Chris P.: That works better.
Emily: yeah, it said "dad"
Chris P.: I saw.
Chris P.: I kind of mashed that quadrant of the keyboard.