Friday, October 26, 2001

"I could design an equation to match your burp." --Anna

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

Adam, during a round of added-dirtiness Loaded Questions: "What are your wet dreams generally about?"
Christopher: "Hamsters."

Saturday, October 20, 2001

"Hey, you know how the English language has spaces between words?" --Chris.

Friday, October 19, 2001

Emily: "I still don't see where you're seeing that they're penises."
Josie: "They're long and they're penises."
Emily: "Right, but they look pretty skinny for a penis, in my experience."
Josie: "They're penises made of fire. How many of *those* have you seen?"

Thursday, October 18, 2001

Josie: "So, uh, Graylan... you gonna show us your candy corn?"
Graylan: "It's not in season."
Josie: "Are you sure it's just not ripe yet?"

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Jana and Josie: "Chris! We need a leaf! We're dying!"
Chris: "You ever heard of Christian Science?"

"If I had to wear a miniskirt, I would have a lot more modesty." --Adam

Sunday, October 14, 2001

Sorry -- Josie and I were trying to post a picture, the one she calls "Lander's Angels" and the one I call "Charlie's Dykes," which Adam took at the end of last year but was based off our Halloween "costumes" (yeah, finger guns and hyperactivity hardly count), but the file was really big and webpages hosted on dante seemed to be really annoyingly slow, so I think I fixed it, somewhat. Well, the image is a bit smaller.

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

Emily: Yeah, I dunno, he seems like a real joker.
Josie: Ask him if he's a smoker. Or a midnight toker. As him if he likes your peaches and wants to shake your tree. ...C'mon, it's a legitimate question!

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

"How you solve problem like Muhhrhea? You nuke. No Muhhrhea, no problem!" --Chris, in a Russian accent, watching The Sound of Music

Sunday, October 07, 2001

"Oh, you stupid piece of ghost-fuck!" --Chris, angry at the Nintendo.

Saturday, October 06, 2001

"...Well, I didn't think they'd actually work!" --Anna, talking about the prescription muscle relaxants that caused her to be knocked out cold when friends came to take her to a party earlier this evening.

Friday, October 05, 2001

"Rex... is that short for something, like Rextholomew?" --Anna.

Thursday, October 04, 2001

"You look like you should be holding your penis and urinating." --Josie, to Chris, in the kitchen.

"The Man has so warped your thinking that you can't hear my radical thoughts!" --Josie.

Josie: My cat doesn't meow when she has access to me...
Chris: Oh, somebody's living in the digital age!

Monday, October 01, 2001

"i rock. do i get anything for that? of course not." --chris.

dude, i have a bunch from last year. at the very least, it should be enough content to get us going. ;)

emily: "..except we are not perfect gentlewomen."
adam: "therein lies the problem."
chris: "yeah, we fart *aloud.*"

"i'm not naked yet!" --chris.

emily: i wanna find out about our apartment.
chris: two more days! i had a dream we didn't get in.
emily: SHUT UP!
chris: hey, i had a dream that my mom died in a car accident the same night, and that hasn't happened yet.
emily: that's awful.
chris: yeah. but if we don't get in, i'll have to call my mom and tell her to stay out of traffic.

"are you guys flushing a *goldfish* next to me?!" --chris.

"your burrito-fu is insuperior!" --kk.

"i'm gonna die of having to get up." --chris.

em: I cleaned the pot out just to dirty it again.
chris: Yeah, happens with my underwear.

"what's monogamy? a kind of wood?"
"no, that's mahogany."
"oh. oh yeah." *dies*
--chris and i.

"i must download something called 'letter to my penis.'" --chris.

"Ohhh, they're gonna do it! ...only without the sex part." --Graylan.

"I'm promoting community development. Suck mine, long and hard!" --Graylan.

"I just want to pull down my special menu and hit 'sleep.'" --Chris, trying to fall asleep late one night.

"'I wanna go to Dartmouth. Shut up, or I'll stick a knife in your ass!' 'Oohh, sorry, little at-risk youth!'" --Chris, simulating a possible typical conversation with "young students working to acheive their dreams of a college education."

"Lions and tigers and fifth-year seniors, oh my!" --Chris.

"You're such a closeted superhero!" --Chris, to KK.

"I so like to stroke people now that I don't have my cat around." --Josie.

"*I'M* not the one neglecting my genitals. It's the rest of the world." --Chris.

"Could you not stick your ass out?" --Jenny, to Graylan, during a floorgy.

"You better not spread that around. People will come after you, saying, 'Oh my god, my back. I need to lick you.'" --Chris, after KK told her that Em was Advil.

"Imagine all the time I'd spend distracting you, and clump it all together and *that's* Charlie's Angels." --Josie

"Shit...ass...crack! I took speed!" --Chris

the residents of this apartment are wacky and weird and wild. we need to document the year in this way. assuming we bother. i mean, we have dishes to do and stuff. oh, and class. heh.